Building and maintaining close, positive, productive, and enduring working relationships with key internal and external stakeholders is now widely...
nonprofit stakeholder relations
Benjamin Rose Institute’s CEO Orion Bell: Connector-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Over the course of my thirty-plus years of work with nonprofit/public chief executives, one of the more dramatic CEO role shifts I’ve observed has...
Energizer-in-Chief Redux: Stakeholder Relationship Management
“Incredible. We must be talking about 40 or more stakeholders.” This was one of the responses to the question I asked in the daylong governance...
CEO Dave Genova on Getting Stakeholder Engagement Right at RTD-Denver
You’ll recall that in earlier posts at this blog we’ve defined “stakeholders” as individuals, groups, and organizations it makes sense to build and...
CEO Joe Marinucci on Creating the Downtown Cleveland Alliance
In my experience, the nonprofits that thrive and grow over the long run are headed by chief executive officers who devote at least 75 percent of...
Your Stakeholders Are Worth Taking Very Seriously
The breakout group exercise was an even bigger hit than I expected – and a real eye-opener for everyone involved in the...