This "Greatest Hit" post originally appeared at in January 2020. It is even more relevant today than three years ago...
Creating Board Development Champions
You might recall that a year or so ago, we posted two articles on the subject of board capacity building – what is popularly known as board...
Traveling the Road Less Traveled: a Conversation with Change Master Ben Limmer
In my book Leading Out-of-the-Box Change (Governance Edge, 2012), I call really significant, self-planned and self-managed innovation and change a...
Joanna Pinkerton and Emille Williams Discuss the CEO-COO Partnership at COTA
In the video interview I recorded with them a couple of weeks ago, Joanna Pinkerton, President/CEO of the Central Ohio...
Welcome to the Frontier!
Dave Stackrow and I opened the APTA video webinar we recently presented under the auspices of the APTA Board Members Committee by observing that...
David Stackrow: Transit Volunteer Extraordinaire
By virtue of his or her highly visible and influential position as “CEO” of the board, a chair can . . .play a leading role in educating board...
Board Evaluation of CEO Performance Can Be a Powerful Relationship Builder
Dave Stackrow and I weren’t able to cover the segment on board evaluation of CEO performance because we chose to leave more...
Why We Wrote Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership
This article is drawn from Chapter One of our book Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership: A Practical Guidebook for Transit Board Members,...
Caveat Emptor: an Axiom All Really Board-Savvy CEOs Take to Heart
To judge from participants’ questions during and after the workshop that Dave Stackrow, Carm Basile and I presented on September 25 at the APTA...
APTA’s Dynamic Leadership Duo Takes on the Mobility Management Issue
Drawing on my quarter-century in the public/nonprofit leadership field, I could share many true stories of successful board...